Ask the dentist: Is there fluoride in Hong Kong tap water?
Monthly column by Dr. Derek Baram, Specialist Orthodontist, Director of Central Smile, and Founder of Braces & FacesIs there fluoride in Hong Kong tap water?
Fluoridation of drinking water has shown to decline the cavity prevalence and is the most cost effective way of delivering fluoride to all members of the community. Yes, this remains a contentious issue as members of the community have found fluoridation to infringe upon freedom of choice.
In Hong Kong, there is roughly 0.5 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride in community drinking water.
Ireland is the only European country with a policy of mandatory fluoride in drinking water. In France and Germany, the water is not artificially fluoridated. In the UK and many other parts of Europe there are variations in the concentration of fluoride whether it be artificially or naturally present in the water depending on the region.
In the USA, 0.7 parts per million (ppm) is standardised amongst all community drinking water. Australia and New Zealand fluoridates its water for more than 70% and 50% of their population respectively.
There have been arguments against water fluoridation due to reported adverse effects such as decreased cognitive ability, hormonal disruption and cancer. However, evidence from large group studies and systematic reviews do not support such links.
Consumption of fluoride during the mineralisation of teeth can cause fluorosis, especially in children aged 1-3. Therefore concentrated infant formulas requiring reconstitution with water have elevated concerns about mild fluorosis. Yet the current level of fluoride concentration in our drinking water doesn’t suggest this is an issue.
What about bottled or filtered water?
Distilled water contains NO fluoride. Many branded bottled mineral waters also do not contain enough fluoride, ranging usually around 0.1 to 0.6ppm, and often they aren’t included in the nutrition label.
Reverse osmosis and distillation filter systems can reduce the fluoride levels in water. However, carbon/charcoal filtration systems do not remove fluoride.
Read more: Braces and Faces offers dental treatments for adults and children