English Schools Foundation to end ‘zoning’ requirements

The English Schools Foundation (ESF) announced last week that, starting on August 1 this year, families would be able to apply for any of their 22 schools, following the ending of the geographical or ‘zoning’ requirement that was previously in force.

At present all ESF schools, other than ESF Discovery College, Renaissance College and the five ESF Kindergartens, operate a system where families can only seek a place for their child in a school that sits within their allocated geographical area in Hong Kong based on their residential address.

The new policy will end this practice and will open up all schools to applications regardless of where the family lives.

This new admissions process will be in operation for families who submit an application on or after August 1. Parents who are already in the application process prior to this date will be contacted and offered the chance to revise their choice of schools.  

Speaking about the change, the Chief Executive Officer of ESF, Belinda Greer, said, “I know that choosing a school for our children is one of the most important decisions that we make as parents. This new admissions policy gives families more choice in making that decision and is based on our belief that, regardless of which one of our schools they attend, ESF students will always have access to a world-class education, delivered by world-leading teachers who understand that every child is unique.

“Our schools have a global reputation for excellence that extends beyond the results that our students achieve in their exams. Through understanding that every child has their own passions, their own skills and their own strengths, we are able to help our students reach their full potential, to be the best that they can be.”

For more information visit esf.edu.hk