American International School

Centrally located in Kowloon Tong, the American International School has been providing a rigorous academic program to local and international students since 1986. Each year, AIS graduates are accepted to prestigious universities in the United States, Hong Kong, and around the world. AIS boasts a family-oriented, close-knit school community where students, parents, and teachers share a sense of belonging and purpose. The school is organised into three divisions – Elementary, Middle, and High – and serves a student population of approximately 725 children from Early Childhood through Grade 12.

AIS is proud of its small-school feel and the shared sense of belonging amongst students, teachers, and parents. Students and faculty come to AIS from over 30 countries and represent a broad range of social, cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. This diversity promotes an inclusive school climate that teaches empathy, fosters collaboration, and celebrates a global mindset. As a single campus school our students and teachers cross paths every day. Our younger students enjoy seeing older students in their world. Likewise, our older students recognise they are powerful role models for the younger grades. This has helped us build a school climate that is both respectful and caring. This resonates strongly with our families who feel their children are part of one school.

Fuelled by research, technology, and school innovation, we are inspired by the future and are excited by the possibilities ahead. Our Future Framework–made up of our Core Values, Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs), and Learning Models–ensures that the school experience remains relevant to the needs of students and is focused on essential skills and mindsets needed for their future success. 

AIS’ founding values of Justice, Knowledge, and Love have remained the hallmarks of an AIS education since the school’s founding in 1986. Our AIS ESLRs articulate what each student should know, understand, and be able to do to be empowered thinkers, effective communicators, well-rounded individuals, and global citizens. Our Social, Personal, and Applied Learning Models are supported by our Essential Practices. These core learning strategies are used in every class at AIS, from Early Childhood through Grade 12. Through this framework, AIS builds student Confidence, a key ingredient necessary for success in a learning environment steeped in thinking, collaboration, innovation, and meaning-making and the key outcome of our Future Framework.

The Future Framework supports an educational program that seeks to equip  all  students  with  a  strong  knowledge-base complemented by a set of specific skills and competencies necessary for personal and professional success. We achieve these goals through a challenging academic program enriched by broad and highly diverse extra-curricular offerings, vibrant visual and performing arts opportunities, an extensive sports program at both intramural and varsity levels, unique experiential learning opportunities, challenging leadership programs, dedicated community service, and a school-wide commitment to supporting student success. Families can also join in the fun at regular events throughout the year, including Winter Fair, Band Slam, talent shows, TEDxAmericanInternationalSchoolHK, drama performances, art shows, and much more. All together, these elements help our students to grow the key mindset of Confidence, making our graduates ready to pursue future learning and fulfilling careers. 

In the fall of 2021, AIS took another step toward innovation in learning and began working on becoming an Apple Distinguished School. This recognition is granted to schools that demonstrate a commitment to innovation and learning supported by technology, backed up by documented results–currently, only 689 schools worldwide hold this distinction. Becoming an Apple Distinguished School gives us a foundation from which students can develop Creative Confidence–by harnessing the power of Apple technology, we will be able to redefine learning experiences at AIS and deepen our culture of innovation and creativity, empowering students to not just consume knowledge and information, but to then turn around and share new ideas and understandings with the world. Our commitment to innovate and inspire creativity at AIS is strong, and becoming an Apple Distinguished School ensures students who graduate from AIS have opportunities and skills that few other students worldwide can claim. Our Apple Plan will empower students with new creativity tools and skills that equip them for a bright future and ensure that they are capable of changing the world for the better. 

AIS is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. The WASC accreditation process ensures not only that schools must be worthy of the trust placed in them to provide high quality learning opportunities, but carries an added requirement that a school clearly demonstrates that they are committed to a process of continual self-improvement to support student learning. AIS has been continuously accredited for over 30 years.

From Early Childhood to Grade 12, AIS delivers an affordable and comprehensive program that helps students develop academically, socially, and personally, into young adults ready to face a 21st century world with confidence and optimism.